Geoff Garbers

Husband. Programmer. Tinkerer.

Access Laravel Passport client as a user

Mar 19, 2020

Laravel Passport is a package that simplifies the implementation of OAuth authorization in a Laravel application very easy. I’ve been making use of this quite heavily in a project that I’m in the process of building.

What makes it quite nice is that it hooks into Laravel’s authentication ecosystem, and makes as trivial as request()->user() to access the currently-authenticated user.

However, OAuth clients have the ability to be able to authenticate using the client_credentials OAuth grant type. There are certain requests in which I need to know the OAuth client that is currently authenticated, and could find no way of hooking this into a request()->user() call.

So, I built a very small & simple package that provides an auth guard that provides this functionality.

The package is available at, but here’s a summary of how to use it:


Firstly, configure the auth guard:


// in config/auth.php

return [
    'guards' => [
        'client' => [
            'driver' => 'passport-client',
            'provider' => 'client',

    'providers' => [
        'client' => [
            'driver' => 'eloquent',
            'model' => Laravel\Passport\Client::class,


When wanting to fetch the OAuth client that authenticated, simply call the ->user() method on the request object with the name of the configured guard:


class MyController extends \App\Http\Controllers\Controller
    public function myAction(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
        $client = request()->user('client');
        // or
        $client = $request->user('client');