Traditionally, copying in large files (or a directory containing a large number of files) and then running a chown
or chmod
on those causes a fairly dramatic increase in the final size of your Docker image (depending on the
size of the files being modified).
The following Docker files provide a base to test this on (after generating a large file with dd if=/dev/zero of=bigfile count=102400 bs=1024
# Dockerfile: without_chown
FROM alpine:3.6
COPY bigfile /
# Dockerfile: with_chown
FROM alpine:3.6
COPY bigfile /
RUN chown nobody:nobody /bigfile && chmod 0600 /bigfile
Building using those files will provide the following images:
with_chown latest 3bf018e061dd 6 seconds ago 214MB
without_chown latest 0ed1c7c0c62b 26 seconds ago 109MB
This Stack Overflow answer
provides a good explanation for this increase in the image size. Thanks to this GitHub pull request,
at least one of these problems has been solved by allowing the use of a --chown
flag to be passed to the
FROM alpine:3.6
COPY --chown=nobody:nobody bigfile /
RUN chmod 0600 /bigfile
However, running this still results in an inflated image size, due to the chmod
command being run. Using
multi-stage builds
can help resolve this (requires Docker 17.05 or higher):
FROM alpine:3.6
COPY /bigfile /
RUN chmod 0600 /bigfile
FROM alpine:3.6
COPY --from=0 --chown=nobody:nobody /bigfile /bigfile
Using a multi-stage build like this, results in the following build size, with all the permissions and ownerships intact:
with_multistage latest bf1f27f308e2 3 minutes ago 109MB
with_chown latest da90bf59d0b4 11 minutes ago 214MB
without_chown latest 0ed1c7c0c62b 21 minutes ago 109MB
/ # ls -lah /bigfile
-rw------- 1 nobody nobody 100.0M /bigfile